Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What's on Your Reading List?

I'm just curious to know what you're reading or what you like to read. Do you read books or magazines? Either way, I think reading is a great stress reliever. I know someone who reads everything on the internet, including entire books. Devil has gotten into the "reader" which is a Kindle, I think. He reads all of his books on that thing. Me, I prefer a book to hold, to smell and to flip pages. It's part of the experience, I think. Anyway, what is it you're reading or you like to read? That's the reason for this post. lol.

I'm currently reading "Brute" which is a story about one of the most known Marines in history. He got his start in World War II which is why I'm reading it. The last book I read was about the Japanese Submarine that was sunk, which was a pivotal point for the U.S. but we didn't know it at the time.

Now it's your turn..


  1. the last bit of major readig that I did was at and both sites are written by the same girl. A daughter of a nuclear engineer that worked at Chernobyl just prior to the accident there. You should read thru kidofspeed first and then check out the other to keep the writings and photographs in the right order.

  2. Thanks, Randy! I really appreciate your response. I'm always open to finding new reads and I've bookmarked the page so I can read it later.
