Sunday, January 16, 2011

Memory of an Elephant

Do you feel as though your memory is sleeping? Well, I do and I'm way too young to blame it on old age! For fucks sake, I had three ideas for blog postings last night, while we were out, and would you know, I've forgotten what they were. I've been sitting here for twenty minutes trying to rack my brain and I've come up empty handed. I hate that. I always joke that I have the memory of an elephant and maybe that's not too far off. I mean, elephants brains are the size of a peanut. A peanut! That must mean they don't remember shit, so maybe I do have the memory of a fucking elephant.


  1. Lol I always do the same thing! I fucking hate it!

  2. It drives me insane! I think I need to start carrying a notepad in my purse.
