Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine's Day

What does V-Day mean to you? I'm always curious because it seems this day, like a few others, has been commercialized. It is the most profitable day for florists and greeting card companies and there's a huge expectation for couples that shouldn't be there, in my opinion. I won't deny that I get excited when Devil surprises me with an arm full of goodies, but he surprises me on other days too. He doesn't always do this on THE day, which is Valentine's day, but it's everything else that he does for me that makes up for it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not hanging my head in gloom if he forgets V-Day because it's the little surprises throughout the year that makes me happy. (like bags & bags of socks). I also think that people, ladies in general, have an ill-conceived idea of what this day is all about and that puts pressure on the men in our lives to try to read in between the lines. Is a bouquet of flowers enough or not even close?

I don't really have a "crazy person" story to share, but one year Devil cut out a huge heart and hung it around our first boxer's neck and he was waiting at the door for me when I walked in from work. I still have that heart and always smile when I see it. It brings back memories like the house we were living in, the smells and the good energy this dog had. That's what I love about V-Day.

What about you? Have you been with a loony tune on V-Day or did you break it off with her right before so you wouldn't have to suffer through the day with her? I want to hear stories, good and bad, so please share them with me.


  1. Valentines Day is a holiday made up by the greeting card companies. I believe you should show the one you Love how much they mean to you every day. Even if it's as simple as a kiss on the cheek or just a hug. That's just this simple ole cowboy's way of looking at it.

  2. I knew this girl. She was a parlor girl. As a matter of fact LoneStar she had a figure like yours. She was a massage parlor girl I liked to visit. She was so cute, she always liked to wear Flannel check shirts and her perfume. Man. it would send me into orbit. Well one day when I was at work the receptionist said I had a call, I answered and it was my parlor girl. She said she wanted to see me on the side, it would cost a lot less than what I paid at the parlor and we'd get a lot more. How could I say no. Instead I told her Thanks for calling on Valentines day. She said she didn't even realize.
