Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 21, 2011: The end is near!

It has been said that the end of time is near and will occur in just two days. Over 200 million people will be raptured, whatever the hell that means. The same individual also predicted that the end of time would take place in 1994 and that day came and went. I bet his followers felt like a bunch of tools, as they should have, because that's all they were. Tools in his "get rich scheme". The only problem is, he's the only one getting rich. I mean, seriously? I'm just saying that if someone is mentally whacked, screaming the sky is falling, maybe you should hold on to your life savings. Simple as that. Another red flag would be the fact that "Jesus" said in Matthew 25: 13, "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man comes." and yet, this dude has come up with a mathematical explanation to the end of time. So, we have two days left. What do we do? Go out and pilfer from the innocent, like he has been doing for the last 20 years? At one time I thought anyone willing to follow a whack job had to be nothing but an ignorant, unintelligent fool. However, I think some are just desperate to hope and have faith in something. Unfortunately, it's him, who has padded his bank accounts with other peoples hard earned cash. Now, with all of that said, those faithful people need to wake the fuck up! He has been a lunatic for two decades! That's twenty fucking years. When are people going to finally realize that those who go on tour to proclaim GOD's love and ask for donations are just another form of the Bernie Madoff's that are now in prison. 
Okay, so since you have two days left to live, before God or Jesus strikes us dead, what are you going to do?
I'm going to rob a bank, shoot my neighbor and do some ecstasy for my front row seat. If I'm going to be "raptured" I want to at least think it feels good. LOL.  


  1. in Feb Y2K I scored some awesome deals from folks who had bunker mentality and stocked up survival equipment they never used. Fishing tackle, guns, portable generators, camping supplies and equipment. My mom said that the same craze went thru back in the 50s also. Except that since there wasnt an immediate global communications ability for the average Joe, nobody heard about it.

    The Rapture is supposed to be when space ship Christianity pulls into Earth's orbit and beams up all of the righteous people. The remaining folks are supposed to do battle with the forces aligned with the Anti Christ for 7 years of trials and tribulations before Christ returns and opens up a brand new can of whoop ass.

  2. Yeah, I remember the Y2K scare. We bought batteries and that's about it. lol. However, like you, we know a few people that stocked their bunkers full of crap. In fact, they were stocking up for years, in preparation to the millennium. I bet they felt like goofs when nothing happened and we still had communications.

    I bet there's a lot of things that happened back in the 50's that no one heard about because of lack of technology...

  3. Jesus said it would be impossible for men to precisely calculate the end of the world ahead of time. (Matthew 24:36, 42, 44).

  4. 2 days crap. I'm on my way to TX to meet you in person before it is all over!

  5. Terrific Scoop- Thanks for reading my blog! It sounds like Matthew had it going on. lol. I seriously don't understand mentally whacked people, such as the guy who has proclaimed the end of time to be in 2 days. I do, however, want to watch the news all day. There's bound to be some crazy things happen.

    Don- would you just like my address? Texas is big and you only have two days, I don't think you'll find me without some help. :D

  6. Don, Just meet me in New Braunfels and I will show you the way to Paradise..... Angel's place is paradise on Earth....

  7. I want to meet you too Angel before it all ends. You can email me the address and directions.

  8. LOL oh, now it's a pow-wow, I see...well, time is a wasting. We're down to 24 hours...I am assuming hey-seus will make his appearance at midnight. Although, I'm not sure because the bastard has not given me his itinerary.

  9. Outlaw- you only have today, do you think you can make it?

  10. Itinerary: To find the Father requires following the son, who said "Love the lord with all your heart and love your neighbours as you would yourself." Which means rejecting the knowledge that causes hate, jealously, selfishness and distrust. And accepting love and giving love to all. This bastard has not only found the father, but has become father material worthy of loving you unconditionally, no matter what. The blood is already here and painted upon your heart. And with that, I correct the rapture typo, which was a fantisy letter about my visit to New Braunfels. "She Rapt ure legs around my waist."
    Love the CEO of the New and IMPROVED World Order

  11. Crapple- I have to admit, I can't figure out your message. In part of it, you seem to correct me, to some extent, but then you talk of the rapture being a fantasy trip to New Braunfels. So, my question to you is, do you believe? Yes or no? Also, it is my opinion that most problems in this world have been caused by the bible, which has been translated over and over again, and whack jobs interpret the bible to allow them to commit crimes against their neighbors. So much for loving your neighbor.
    Oh, one more question, are you, or do you know, the CEO of the New and IMPROVED World Order?

  12. so I went down and picked up groceries from the church for my preacher. nobody was acting like it was the end of days and they took orders for next month too so I am thinking they were unimpressed with the con man from California. I think it has to do with that hard C or K sound in states. That whack job is from California and the other one is from Kansas.

  13. OMG! I have to agree, Randy. It's frustrating to see him con people out of millions of dollars. I read an article last week that even his employees didn't believe the rapture would take place and some even wondered if he did. He sent out a company wide memo that urged his followers to continue working for God and blah, blah, blah. Some thought he might be in hiding after the rapture because of that memo. I have to say- what a douchebag. lol.
