Friday, May 27, 2011

Twitter #FF Hiatus

This might come across a little, um, brash, but I'm taking a hiatus from the #FF on Twitter. For those of you whom are not aware of what that is, #FF stands for FollowFriday. Basically, it's a suggestion list that you send out to all of your followers so that they can find new people to interact with. If I enjoy "Cliff", "NiceGuy" and "Cowboybubba" I send a #FF out to all of my followers. It's kind of like an endorsement, if you will. Anyway, to be blunt, it's turned into a huge cluster fuck of tweets from mid-Thursday to Saturday mornings. That's not why I'm taking a summer break though. 
Here's the thing, it's hard to remember EVERYONE that I tweet with and even if I did, it would take me 4 hours of non-stop tweeting to complete #FF. So, as it is, I go down my timeline and click names of those whom I'd like to suggest, but if you don't tweet often, your name isn't on my timeline. People get insulted and their feelings hurt if they feel you've left them off. It's like high school! I receive direct messages and emails as a "reminder" or a "hey, did you forget me? waaaaa" and I have received more today than normal so I'm taking a break. Instead of being annoyed and silently screaming at you, I'm walking away from what started out as a good thing but has turned into nothing but a cluster fuck of names. For those of you, who are not one of the whiners, I hope you don't take offense to this and if you continue to add me on your #FF list, I will be honored, but if you don't, please know I won't be hurt. I definitely understand. 
And, with that said, I am done with my mini-rant. lol. I wish you all a very safe and happy Memorial Day weekend. xoxo


  1. Yeah, I'm getting to loath Fridays on Twitter with the FF floods. But I do feel guilty about not FFing back. It's a conundrum.

  2. Totally with you on that!

  3. Yeah, Cliff, I know what you mean and that's why I've always done my #FF but it's just an annoyance now. Plus, who looks at any of the suggested names, anyway? I sure don't. I'm too busy trying to not miss an @ msg or or conversation worth following.

    Thanks Anonymous! I was hoping I wouldn't be alone and it was a long time coming. Good lord! lol
