We went to the counter, received tickets from a very cute old lady and then gave the ticket stub to an even cuter old man who wanted to tell me all about some video that was playing and how to get there, from the exact point that we were standing. OMG! He was adorable! I have to tell you though, Kristine was already walking ahead of me trying to pull me away..but he was just too precious. So, from there we walked right over to the sea turtles where another cutie was waiting for me to "educate" us. The first turtle we came to is a blind boy, named Hang Tough. Poor baby was knocked over the head in the early 90's and he was found by some local fisherman. The knock on the noggin is what caused him to go blind. From there we walked over to the Loggerhead'ers where one was hugging the side of the tank and her buddy was sleeping. The educator at this location was not cute, at all. I repeat, NOT CUTE. So, we slowly walked away from that tank to the next one, oh about 2 feet to the right, but he followed us! That fucker! There was a sign that said, "Turtles will bite" and Kristine told me that they're not an aggressive animal and they won't actually bite you. Apparently, the non-cute volunteer heard us because he immediately started telling us that they have very strong jaws. "You stick your hand in the water and they could just snap it right off, in one bite!" After we talked over the "Albino" Loggerhead turtle, who is not actually Albino, we moved onto the Manatee's who happen to be my newest obsession! OMG! I have the best video EVER! It was so fucking hilarious that I showed it to Devil and to Swamp Dawg over dinner who didn't think it was as funny as we did. But, it really was. I wouldn't find it near as funny, had it not been fucking hilarious! I'm going to bug the shit out of Devil until he uploads it for me...and then, lucky you, that's right, you, I'll add it to my blog...and you're going to laugh out loud because it is LOL funny! I'm talking hilarious shit!
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