Friday, April 8, 2011

Ants in my Plants!

My garden has gotten off to a great start and things are actually blooming this year. Amaaaaazing! Truly amazing! I'm so excited I've been admiring them every morning before I jump in the shower. I worry that it's just a teaser before they die. lol. 

Anyway, my crossvine is growing like crazy but Army Ants have moved in. They're covering part of the plant and the blooms are starting to wilt and die. Now, since this is the first year it's actually bloomed for me, I'm not sure if that's natural for them to do that or if it's because of the ants. 

My question is for all of the gardeners who have become my personal consultants. :) If I sprinkle 7-dust on the vine will that kill the plant or just attack the ants?


  1. Sorry, I can't help you on the pixie dust, BUT

    I though the topic was:

    Ants in my Pants! when I first glanced at it. Now that I can help you with.

  2. Roses typically stay with good blooms for about a day. maybe 3 if you count when they first open to when they start lookingbeat up. The ants typically arent doing any real damage unless you see chewed up leaves. Growing roses means always having a pair of scissors or pruning shears in your pocket. You should deadhead the old blooms so that new ones will take their place. Otherwise the plant will put on hips (rose fruit). But if you allow some hips to grow, you pick them before they turn really solid and crush them up. Put in some hot water to make some hot tea. They can also be used in certain recipes the same as rose petals. A web search should help you with that.

  3. LOL Don, I wondered if anyone would read the title as 'ants in my pants'.

    Randy, it's a crossvine with trumpet flowers, not roses, but I think your response would also work for my vine. So far there's no damage to leaves, but all of the flowers have fallen, with no new blooms. However, that might be normal. I'm not sure since this is the first time it's ever bloomed. lol. Thank you so much for your advice, I really do appreciate it and will keep an eye on my leaves.
