I'm at Chili's, in Houston, and there's this young 25ish barfly who is currently boasting to seven men that she's an alcoholic who wakes up horny every day..."because I drink so much the night before!" They're all just staring at her, a bit dumbfounded, and she keeps going on and on about it. Right now she seems to be worried they didn't hear her right because she said, "HORNY. I wake up horny" and now the guys are talking amongst themselves as if she didn't just speak to them. It's kind of sad. Would you like her name and number? Anyone? She's sure to be good for another 2 years. lol. Just kidding...kind of. Well, about the part about getting her number for you. Yes, she's pretty. No, I won't get a picture with her. That would be obvious and bring attention to myself. I'm currently role playing a wall flower and it's working out for me. Oh, wait. She's exchanging numbers with a 40-something man. He seemed to hang on her every word. How cute...no, wait, how depressing!
Ten minutes later:
She's gone. He's gone. Same time departure. That's not very discreet. Who's teaching her these terrible lessons on how not to be discreet. lol. Maybe that's what gets her off...hmmm...I hope he makes it in time before she passes out. She did say she wakes up horny, not that she leaves the bar horny.
Ten minutes later:
No sign of either of them...must have taken it somewhere other than the Chili's parking lot.