Monday, March 14, 2011

My Weekend

I had a busy, but good weekend that started Friday afternoon. I helped Devil with the shed (another project for us) and then we drove to San Antonio for the night. We hung out with good friends and ended up staying over so we wouldn't have to drive back so late. The next day we visited over coffee before we headed home. They ended up coming our way Saturday afternoon and Devil cooked us dinner before we went out, dancing. That night we went to our favorite club where we had a lot of friends meet us there. We had twelve people at our table and it was good to catch up and have some fun, all at the same time. Yesterday we all slept in and then went to lunch before our friends made the drive back to San Antonio. Once they were on the road Devil and I worked on the shed until dark. We framed the entire roof, in just a couple of hours and now, today the decking goes on before the shingles. Before long, he'll be moving all of his tools into his new shed. It's going to be an awesome thing. After that, we have a really big project which is very exciting but I'll save that for another day. 
What did you guys do this past weekend? Play nurse? Work your second job as the taxi driver for your kiddos? I want to hear it all..


  1. Finally got back to responding to calls after 8 weeks of down time. It was GREAT!

  2. Don, that's great news! I know how relieved you are to have your truck back.
