I have been very lucky to have some great guys join my site over the years. I've been even luckier that some have emailed me and we've struck up a friendship. One of my guys, Cowboy Bubba, was so sweet to plant Caladiums and Elephant ears in a pot, from bulbs, for my birthday. Even sweeter than that was when he delivered them to my house. So, I the plant needed to be moved into a bigger pot. I thought, hmm, easy enough. I pick out the biggest pot I could find and place it on the deck, next to our front door. Perfect to showcase my gift, right? Getting it out of the fucking pot was anything but easy! The fucker wouldn't budge! I tried to loosen up the dirt with a small shovel, that didn't work. I gently tapped the ceramic pot on the deck, from side to side, that didn't work. I turned it upside down and furiously wiggled the shit out of it. After a good 10-15 minutes I was baffled, sweating and a little irritated that I can't even transplant a fucking plant without issues! So, after a minute of thought, I go and grab the sharp shooter and with my foot I shoved it down into the soil, when it wouldn't go further, I jumped on it! You would have thought it would have popped right out but it didn't! I had to do this three more times!!! OMG, I was getting very irked! But, after that, it did pop out, kind of. So, I was immediately ecstatic. There for a minute I thought I was going to have to deliver it back to Bubba and ask him to fix it, or something. So, it's in my new pot and I just need to have filler dirt now so I use the dirt from the original pot and to my dismay, it's all roots! There has to be thousands of them! HOLY HELL! I've never seen so many roots like that. Bubba says it'll be okay but he might just be telling me that so I don't feel bad, just yet. LOL.
I'll post a picture later to show you how it's doing. The Caladiums are not looking to well but the Elephant ears are looking great!
Bubba, thank you for such a thoughtful gift and for all of your gardening assistance. Somehow, this plant will be the only survivor of my garden, I promise! Hell, with you and SxyMomma as my gardeners, how could I not have at least one plant survive my black thumb?